Tuesday, 15 February 2011

To begin at the beginning...

My first entry in what will hopefully become a written accompaniment to the gathering pile of images I seem to be collecting.

A little about me: I am a 37 year old enthusiastic amateur photographer dipping his toe into the world of professional photography. I live in Caernarfon in Gwynedd, North Wales, a place which has been at the hub of significant events in the history of Wales and Britain for over two thousand years.

Married to Mererid (twelve years this April!) we have two wonderful, crazy, bonkers and highly energetic sons, Gwydion (7) and Llywelyn (2).

 I am lucky enough to live between the mountains and the sea....

 I won't say much more now - there's plenty more to come!

So welcome to what will become my ramblings, both with words and images....

 My Flickr page

www.richardoutram.com My website

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